Reverse Osmosis Water

We are fortunate that the majority of the Bay Area fluoridates its water. The Centers for Disease Control recognizes that community water fluoridation is a safe, effective, and cost-saving method to maintaining the health of the teeth. Many of our patients who drink tap water wonder if filtering their water will remove fluoride.

Most water filters will contain carbon. Carbon is the main purifying component of the system. When water flows through the carbon filter, contaminants will be separated from the water by attaching to the carbon. Some filters will also have an additional fiber filter that can catch and trap sediment in the water.

Boiling water

will not remove fluoride. Click here for more information.


Pur, and most refrigerator filters will not remove fluoride. These carbon-based filters remove other contaminants such as chlorine, lead, and arsenic. Click here to learn more.

Faucet mounted water filters

generally do not remove fluoride.  Be sure to check with the manufacturer to see if your filtration system is one that removes fluoride from the tap water. Click here to learn more.

Reverse osmosis

systems work by using pressure to push water through different membranes and filters to create “pure water”. While chemicals and bacteria are removed, so are many good minerals. Iron, calcium, manganese, as well as fluoride are removed with reverse osmosis systems. Click here to learn more.

Filtration System Does it Remove Fluoride?
Boiling No
Brita / Pur No
Refrigerator Filters Most do not
Faucet Mounted Filters Most do not
Reverse Osmosis Yes

If you have a reverse osmosis filtration system at home, the benefits of water fluoridation are lost. By drinking fluoridated water, children can decrease cavities by up to 60% and lower their risk for future decay. So the next time you are drinking a glass of tap water, be sure to enjoy all of the benefits of having the fluoride remineralize your teeth and prevent tooth decay!

Dr. Jon and Team Happy Healthy Teeth



1291 East Hillsdale Blvd., Suite 100
Foster City, CA 94404
Phone: 650-574-4447
Fax: 650-574-4041

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1291 East Hillsdale Blvd., Suite 100
Foster City, CA 94404
Phone: 650-574-4447
Fax: 650-574-4041


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