COVID-19 Pandemic Updates

Stay Safe and Stay Healthy, Together as a Community We Shall Come Through the COVID-19 Pandemic.

How Are You Doing And Which Team Area You On?

How Are You Doing?  Can we control The COVID-19 Crisis, the economy, or the health of the world?  That is something for everyone to consider.  We definitely have full control of our own thoughts and actions.  We each can decide on how to deal with the current crisis.

There are four kinds of people-  The members of the A-Team, B-Team, C-Team and D-Team.  Understanding which folks who are members of each Team will help you understand how both you and they deal with crisis and what you can expect from them.

Please watch the video to learn more.


Three Simple Tips

1. Do Your Best To Be an A-Performer

2. Support All The A-Performers

3.  Make Your Tribe Full of The A and B Performers

Happy Healthy Teeth COVID-19 Links

Stay Safe and Healthy,

Dr. Jon and Team Happy Healthy Teeth





Visit The Pad

Jonathon Everett Lee, DDS, Inc.
Brian D. Lee, DDS, MSD, Inc.
Christian P. Yee, DDS
1291 East Hillsdale Blvd., Suite 100
Foster City, CA 94404
Phone: 650-574-4447
Fax: 650-574-4041
Click here to text us!

Visit The Pad

Jonathon Everett Lee, DDS, Inc.
Brian D. Lee, DDS, MSD, Inc.
Christian P. Yee, DDS
1291 East Hillsdale Blvd., Suite 100
Foster City, CA 94404
Phone: 650-574-4447
Fax: 650-574-4041
Click here to text us!





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