by Jonathon Lee | May 17, 2020 | Announcements, COVID-19, Current Events 2020, Latest Research and Technology, Office News, Orthodontics
COVID-19 Patient Hub Stay Safe and Stay Healthy, Together as a Community We Shall Come Through the COVID-19 Pandemic. Phased Welcome Back (Updated April 2023) We have missed all of you and hope this message finds you all safe and healthy! Hopefully everyone has been...
by Jonathon Lee | Sep 3, 2019 | Emergencies, Orthodontics, Pediatric Dentistry, Topic Tuesday
Protect Your Children’s Teeth with Bubble Wrap? Did you know that children whose teeth stick out have an increased chance of damaging them and that the risk of damage can be easily reduced? Yes, that is what Drs. George Arraj, Giampiero Rossi‐Fedele and Esma J....
by Jonathon Lee | Jul 1, 2019 | Announcements, Office News, Orthodontics, Pediatric Dentistry
• TAKE A PEEK AT •our new name & look we’ve taken big ‘leaps’ Bay Area Pediatric Dental Wellness Group is ‘hoppy’ to announce that we are now HAPPY HEALTHY TEETH We’re still the same fantastic practice, with the same fantastic team, now with a ‘frog’tastic new...
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